EpicMage28482 has logged on.

This page is probably going to change a lot whenever I think of new ways to formulate things. My name is Froyo, or any variant of that, I've been a social outcast since pretty much forever. I have always really wanted friends, though. I'm not very good at keeping them because I'm kind of rude and very bitter, but you know, not on purpose. I'm very positive and optimistic in theory, but in practice, not so much. I do really believe in human connection and dialogue, though, I'm only half a doomer. I like dancing to loud music and I also like when my brain hurts.

I guess I don't have to be positive here, since this is my website, so I won't worry about how this comes across and I'll just write whatever. I love Nintendo. Pokémon, Splatoon and Mario in particular, could go on for hours. I really like Tano-C (look them up, 3 of the songs on the winamp player are from this collective). I love talking to people and learning about them. I guess I feel lost a lot when I think about life, people as a whole, and everything, but I always get comforted when I look up.

It's hard to phrase, because it's not just the sky, but the whole atmosphere it produces. During blue hour, golden hour, when it's all grey and dull outside, during a nice sunset.. The world feels comforting. Living next to the countryside has always made me happy for that reason. Taking the bus or going on a walk or riding my bike and just pretending like nobody else exists, like the whole world has stopped, and it's just me and the sky draping itself over everything, forever. I like collecting pictures and mental images of places that give me that feeling.

I also love creating characters and drawing them. Recently I've been really into making gijinkas for stuff. Toothbrushes, quaternions, you name it.

You'll also notice that there is no back button. That's right. And no, it isn't because I couldn't find a spot on my layout for it. You're stuck here with me now. Get comfortable.. And don't click the back button on your browser, that's CHEATING!